"The only constant in life is CHANGE."
"It is what it is! BUT it is what you make of it!"
"Wait, I'm confused!" "Give me five seconds." "Smile!"

Claude Monet

Claude Monet
The Walk. Lady with a Parasol

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 5

I feel I am accomplishing a lot this week. I still need to convert my Prezi into Googledocs due to the errors with Prezi. If someone has used it and can offer advice that would be great, but for now, I am moving on. Also, looked into the next courses for the degree this week. I am considering doing the Cohort accelerated program. Have any of you done that or tried it? I am interested in the scholarship that they are offerring and the 19 month finishline looks great! Hope all of you are enjoying the weather wherever you are! Cold, windy and still snowing here in Nebraska! Spring! I can't wait!

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