"The only constant in life is CHANGE."
"It is what it is! BUT it is what you make of it!"
"Wait, I'm confused!" "Give me five seconds." "Smile!"

Claude Monet

Claude Monet
The Walk. Lady with a Parasol

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Creating the calendar

I created a calendar on the assign a day website. I still don't know how to upload it to my website yet. I will have to figure that one out yet. Instruction or advice would be great on that if anyone knows how to do it.

Several of us had issues with the Prezi presentation. I think the concept of the tool is great! I can see students using it in the classroom for maps, posters or chart or diagrams. Points of talking. It was time consuming to learn the process and some things are still glitchy with it. I kept it in my website as the presentation for a couple of reasons. One, I wanted to show a "new" way of doing presentations and also to gain feedback from my peers. Secondly, I found it simple to upload and add text where needed. I see the benefits for students. Kids these days are amazing! Who knows they may come up with something amazing and teach me a thing or two.

I am considering the cohort program through Peru. Not sure yet, but it does sound good on paper. IF any of you have more information on that one, I am all ears.
Thanks! 13*F in Nebraska tonight! coooold!

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